I've been standing for 45 minutes on a crowded bus and when I get off I'm like an old, tired tortoise, stiff and hunched on the pavement with my bag on my back. So I shake out my hands and let my shoulders and my tail-bone drop, and I think of the puppet-strings lifting my head and my knees, and my joints loosen and clank as though they were wood and metal. And then I can feel my soft clothes against my skin and the cold air nipping my nose and ears and see my breath steaming in front of my face. And then I can walk.
Walking a thousand miles in 2006 - Week 4 Miles walked: 20.5 (target: 20) Total miles walked: 93.5 (target: 80) Miles remaining: 906.5
¶ 9:38 am
You're doing really well with the walking - almost 100 miles already! Not so sure about the arithmetic though, I make 93.5 plus 903.5 equal 997... or maybe it's the typing that's at fault? Love Zinnia the Nitpicker (sorry - I was a professional proof-reader in a former existence, and old habits die hard!)
That photo is most interesting. Does the black building disappear into polygons of light? Or is one or the other somehow a reflection, two split sides come together?
Brenda, having a crap camera with poor depth of field creates interesting abstract effects sometimes! This is what the building actually looks like: http://tinyurl.com/83mh9
Hi Jean! About walking, a doctor said someday but I don't remember where, that " the heart is in our heel and in our sole". Walking is very healthy, indeed!
Translated to Portuguese: "Sobre caminhar, um médico disse um dia, mas eu não me lembro onde, que "o coração está em nosso calcanhar e em nossa sola do pé". Caminhar é muito saudável, realmente.
And thank you so much for your visit and gentle comment on my blog! Love the "muito obrigada"!
"E muito obrigada por sua visita e gentil comentário no meu blog! Adorei o "muito obrigada"!
Hi Sonia! I'm afraid 'muito obrigada' and 'ate logo' are the limit of my Portuguese, though I can read it pretty well because I speak Spanish. I like what the doctor said!