The wrong trousers Since I managed to lose some weight over the Summer, all my Winter clothes are baggy. Baggy is a good look, I think, if you're thin and angular. If you're tubby, though not as tubby as before, it's not such a good look.
I have these trousers. They're corduroy with 10% lycra - the only kind I could fit into last year. Baggy lycra is a particularly bad look. They kind of stand there on their own...
¶ 5:32 pm
If you're thin and angular, baggy makes you look like a boy, a boy wearing a sack. Baggy only looks good on boys, in fact, if that. Yes, buy yourself new clothes! Shopping therapy!
Sounds like it may be time to spring for a lovely new wardrobe! Or else to relish the rare sensation of bagginess? I know what you mean, though, about the awkward stages of bagginess.